When you're stuck inside, it can feel frustrating not being able to work out. Try this super effective home workout that requires no equipment and will be sure to get your heart rate up and get your engines burning!
Full Body Tabata Home Workout
This workout follows the Tabata style of interval training, whereby you complete 8 exercises with 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. This means you will complete the workout in just 4 minutes, so depending on how much time you have, you can complete as many rounds as you like.
Learn more about Tabata training before you start by reading our article.
This workout is full body meaning you will target every muscle group and enjoy a great burn. You will certainly work up a sweat and burn lots of fat! Make sure you are comfortable in well-fitting fitness clothing and that you stay hydrated by having a water bottle handy.
Get fit at home
Complete each of the following exercises for 20 seconds with 10 seconds rest in between. Click or tap the name of the exercise to find out more about it and how to do it properly. See how many rounds you can do!
1. Squats
2. Lunges
4. Press Ups
8. Plank
Try our 10 Minute Tabata Workout which incorporates skipping and boxing.
Read more about the benefits of Tabata training here.
Read more about how to get fit at home here.