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How To: Glute Bridges

by Alexandra Parren
How To: Glute Bridges Liquid error (sections/main-article line 111): Could not find asset snippets/relatedblogs.liquid

Glute Bridges How To Exercise

Glute bridges are a classic exercise which and is commonly found in yoga and pilates. It targets primarily the glutes but will also work your hamstrings and back as well as your core. 

To perform this exercise, place your feet on a small set and keep them hip-width apart. Make sure that your knees stay hip-width apart too and do not fall in. Place your hands flat on the floor and use your glutes to squeeze your lower body up into a bridge position. Keeping your back and glutes tensed, very slowly lower yourself back down. As you rise up, curl your back so that each part of your back leaves the floor in time, and do the same coming back down, so that you're rolling up and rolling back down.

Glute Bridges Exercise How To

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