The reason I started looking into barefoot running was the reason that most of us do, and that's injury prevention. Historically, I have tried running; I've tried training for the London marathon, I've tried running 10k, but the result was always the same. Bad knees, tight IT bands, and eventually injury. In the end, I just gave up. That was until I read about barefoot running.
Before changing to a barefoot running style, I went to have my gait analysed. I ran on a treadmill barefoot and the experts checked the way I run. They claim that everyone is designed to run and it is only due to cushioned running shoes that we end up getting injured.
The main struggle I had with barefoot running was the impact on my calves. Changing to a forefoot strike puts a lot more pressure on your calf muscles and they start to ache a lot. Like anything, you need to build up slowly. I did build up my training and I got faster and became a much stronger runner. But it was time to welcome a new running injury, shin splints.
Read more: Shin Splints Prevention And Recovery
So after building up working through the issues has been changed in worth it? Completely.
Remember, changing running style will not happen overnight. This is a long, slow process.