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Heart Rate Training

Heart Rate Training

Heart Rate Training Track Running Sprinting Fitness

We all know that it's important to get our heart rate up while training, but it can be more complicated than it initially seems. Heart rate training can accelerate your progress and can help you to improve your cardiovascular fitness as well as your athletic performance.

What should my heart rate be when working out?

There are 5 heart rate zones during training: 

Heart Rate Training Zones

What your heart rate should be while training depends entirely on your goals and your age. Your maximum heart rate (100%) is 220 minus your age. So, a 25-year-old would have a max heart rate of 195 while a 60-year-old would have a max heart rate of 160. You then calculate your heart rate zones according to percentages of that. 

What is peak heart rate?

As outlined above, your peak heart rate or max heart rate is 220 minus your age so it's simple to work out. It's important to keep your max/peak heart rate in mind while training and always be aware when you are approaching it. Try not to train too close to your peak too often, instead save this for sprinting and HIIT workouts. 

How do I work out my heart rate zones?

Zone 1 is 50-60% of your max heart rate. This would be achieved through a brisk walk but no more than that. This is your recovery heart rate after intense training.

Zone 2 is 60-70% of your max heart rate. This is light cardiovascular exercise and may help you lose weight.

Zone 3 is 70-80% of your max heart rate.This is where you'll be sitting during a long run and is more maintainable for longer. This is the last aerobic heart rate zone before you hit your anaerobic threshold.

Zone 4 is 80-90% of your max heart rate. You'll be in this zone during a more intense run, perhaps a 10k or 5k. In this heart rate zone, you'll be getting closer to your lactate threshold and anaerobic training. 

Zone 5 is 90-100% of your max heart rate. This is where you'll find yourself during a really tough, intense workout and it will only be sustainable for a very short amount of time.


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