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TRX Handstand

TRX Handstand - Sundried

The TRX handstand is a real showstopper, combining strength, balance, coordination and proprioception. Just about every muscle in the body needs to work together to maintain a handstand, but it’s especially good for strengthening the core and developing strong, stable shoulders.

The best tip for TRX Handstands: Practice makes perfect.

Practice and patience are essential to master the handstand, it's a challenging move.

The first time you attempt a TRX handstand, it will feel scary, you’re turning your world upside down after all, but with practice comes confidence and you soon get used to viewing the world topsy turvy.

TRX Handstand

Benefits of the TRX Handstand

Strengthens stabilizer muscles

To hold your body over your heads it takes more than just the prime movers firing for example the lats (the big muscles across your back like wings) will be used to stabilise your body in the air as well as the shoulders and your core muscles.

Advanced coordination and balance

A handstand requires more coordination and balance than benching the same weight if not more. At first this may be tricky and you will feel wobbly, but it comes with time and practice.

Health benefits

As we spend the majority of our days sat down, EHOH encourages us to move every hour on the hour. See here: LINK Flipping upside down for your EHOH could help to improve your mental focus at work and reverse the effects of constant sitting.By flipping your body upside down, handstands invert normal blood flow. This increases circulation to your upper body while relieving pressure on your feet and legs. Handstands benefit your spine, brain and pituitary gland. The flood of blood to your brain is energizing and calming at the same time, relieving minor depression and improving mood. A properly executed back bend during a handstand also invigorates your nervous system while energizing your body. The handstand position also allows gravity to act on the skeletal system from the opposite direction aiding in the maintenance of bone density and countering osteoporosis.

How to do a TRX Handstand


Keep your hands under your shoulders and spread your fingers to spread the force equally.


Try to really extend and engage the shoulders. This muscular tension will give you greater control. Think of shrugging your shoulders upwards or trying to push into the floor.


You’ll want to really extend and engage the shoulders. This muscular tension will give you greater control. Think of shrugging your shoulders upwards or trying to push into the floor.


Try to keep your body in a straight line by engaging the abdominals. Sucking your tummy button into your spine helps to engage the transverse abdominals whilst flattening out an arched back.


Avoid letting your legs flop about like limp spaghetti, it will throw off your balance and mess up the whole hand stand. Try to keep your legs together and as straight as possible.


Point them, it looks better and who doesn’t want to be more pleasing to the eye?

How to TRX Handstand

  1. Facing the anchor, hook one foot into the TRX.
  2. Bend over and walk your hands back as far as possible with one leg in the air.
  3. Once you can’t walk your hands any further, kick your supporting leg up to meet the leg in the air. You should now be in a diagonal handstand.
  4. Walk your hand back until they are underneath your shoulders.
  5. Now force your weight down through your hands, spread your fingers, suck your tummy button into your spine, point your twinkle toes and hold!

P.S : Don’t forget to breathe, this moves challenging enough without having to hold your breathe!

The following photos will demonstrate how to get in position. Start off with a vertical plank (or close to it). 

TRX Handstand Starting Position

Starting position with hands on the floor and one leg in the TRX

TRX Handstand

Before taking your other foot off the floor to meet the raised foot, work back as far as your flexibility will allow. 

TRX Handstand Plank

You may want to spend some time in a plank vertical position. When you feel comfortable walk back on your hands. 

Keep Walking back to get into the handstand

A near vertical handstand is a great position to work on your strength and build up confidence.

TRX Handstand Body Upright

Before you fully commit you may want to work on your body being upright and bending at the waist. Use a mirror, or your phone to see how straight you are. 

Start with aiming for 10 seconds and gradually increase the amount of time you hold in position. To dismount slowly walk the hand forward, then bring one leg down, followed by the other when you are ready.

If you can’t do a full handstand to start with work on holding in the diagonal position and gradually aim your way back, you’ll get there eventually!

TRX Handstand Practice

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