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TRXtreme Training

TRXtreme Training - Sundried

Why just TRX when you can TRXtreme?

At Sundried, we encourage you to get out there and do things differently, so we couldn’t just come up with a same old TRX routine could we? So we’ve made this one a challenge we know you’ll love, because what doesn’t challenge you doesn’t change you, so let’s do this.

This workout is designed to build overall strength, power and increase your level of fitness - measured as your VO2 max, the maximum amount of oxygen you're capable of using.

TRX Training

Why are we onto a winner here? TRX + HIIT = core, strength and fat burning. What more could you want?

TRX training was invented by Former Navy Seal a Randy Hetrick to keep his troops training with intensity in difficult conditions. The TRX keeps your body under constant tension using suspension, particularly focusing on core strength to support your bodyweight. Using the TRX is a great way to get fit because the training is functional, meaning we use multiple planes of motion, in similar patterns to how our body naturally moves. This type of training is designed to improve daily function, hence the name.

The workout is designed to be intense and last around 30 minutes, although your body will be burning calories for up to 24 hours after! We shift from upper body to lower body to keep your heart rate up, blood pumping and calorie burning intense.

A base level of fitness and previous TRX experience is recommended.

Here we go:

Workout Commences in T minus 5 minutes:

You have 5 minutes, get your heart rate up over 130 BPM and your muscles warm and limber, get focused and get ready. Exercises may include a CV machine, squats, squats with oblique reaches, arm circles and jogging on the spot.

Warmer? Limber? Showtime.

Three Rounds. 6 Exercises. 1 minute on. 30 seconds rest. Repeat 3 times (Hell yeah, 3!)

Exercise 1: TRX Burpees

Hook one ankle into the stirrup, bring your hands to hit the deck for a burpee, jump your free leg back into plank, and then swiftly up towards your hands as you spring up to complete the burpee bounce. Keeping the TRX leg off the floor the entire minute!

TRX Burpee

Exercise 2: Row to Fallout

Grab both handles and lean back with your feet in front of the anchor, row your hands in towards your chest as you pull your body up and then let your weight shift forwards as your hands pass your sides and straighten up by your ears for a fallout. Sounds harder than it is (lies, it’s hard).

Exercise 3: Pistol Squat Jumps

Grab both handles and bring one leg straight out in front of you, sink down (ass to grass) on the supporting leg into your pistol squat and then jump to repeat on the other leg.

Exercise 4: Trx Push Up to Shoulder Tap

Hook each foot into a stirrup and start with a suspended push up, as you push back away from the floor, tap each hand to the opposite shoulder.

Exercise 5: Trx Squat to Star

Grab both handles and sink into a deep squat. As you shoot up carry on past the start position into a star. You should have your hands extended over your head and be on the tips of your toes.

Exercise 6: Sprint Starts

Grab both handles and hold them by your ribcage (you should look like a chicken impression) face away from the anchor, sink one leg back into a lunge and then explode off bringing your knee towards your chest.

The Final Countdown: 3 Exercises. 3 minutes. 45 seconds work and just 15 rest.

Finisher 1: Trx Oblique Crunch

Start in an extended plank with both feet suspended in the stirrups, bring your knees in and twist to either side, crunching your knees towards the opposite elbow.

Finisher 2: Trx Plank up Downs

Starting in a plank on your hands, drop each hand down to an elbow plank and then push back to your hands.

Finisher 3: Trx Handstand

Facing the anchor, hook one foot into the TRX, walk your hands back with one leg in the air as far as you can, and then kick the other leg up to make your handstand. If you can’t make it all the way to a full handstand, a diagonal hold is still a really tough exercise to master. Just don’t forget to BREATHE.

Congratulations, you are now TRXtreme… and probably Trxtremly worn out!

About the trainer: Vicky Gardner is a writer at Sundried and REPS Level 3 Personal Trainer, “Bodybuilding was my first love, but now I like to take my training a little more outside the box, so I never get bored. Plyometric’s are my favourite form of training at the moment, great for burning calories and increasing your explosive power... plus you feel like a human firework (and yes, I make the sound effects!)”.

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