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Primrose's Kitchen Granola and Muesli Review

Primrose's Kitchen Granola and Muesli Review - Sundried

Primrose's Kitchen was founded by Primrose Matheson who suffers from M.E. which causes chronic fatigue and poor digestion. She has a degree in Homeopathy and this wealth of knowledge helps her to understand what her body needs and wants to maintain perfect health. She uses this knowledge to design natural and wholesome food such as muesli and granola. I was lucky enough to be able to try some of her delicious products and they did not disappoint!

Raw Carrot, Apple & Cinnamon Muesli + Raw Ginger & Beetroot Muesli

The muesli is delicious! Primrose uses foods that we would typically associate with lunch and dinner such as carrot and beetroot to create a versatile product that can be enjoyed as a snack at any time of the day, not just for breakfast. The raw carrot, apple, and cinnamon flavours work beautifully together without being overpowering. The raw ginger and beetroot is also a pleasant surprise! I was worried it may be a bit much, especially the ginger, but it's wonderfully tasty and wholesome. The ingredients make this meal perfectly satisfying with complex flavours that satisfy any craving.

Orange & Cashew Granola + Courgette & Cacao Granola

When I saw the attractive packaging for the granola I was super excited to get stuck in. The flavour combinations are so adventurous and unique that I was really interested to see how they'd taste. The Courgette & Cacao Granola was definitely my favourite, it has an undertone of coconut which shines through really nicely, and the texture is not so dense as to make your jaw ache when you eat it, which can be an issue with granola! The Orange & Cashew flavour is also decadent and delicious. The orange gives a wonderful tang and it's beautifully crunchy. It also contains Himalayan pink salt which has a variety of health benefits such as lowering blood pressure and balancing the body's pH. I also had a go at making the Raw Breakfast Bars with the recipe card that Primrose sent which was great too! They make the perfect on-the-go snack and are completely guilt-free!

Primroses Kitchen Sundried Product Review Granola


All of the products in the Primrose's Kitchen range are vegan, gluten-free, and made with raw vegetables, so there's no doubt that you're getting a healthy meal or snack when you eat them. They taste great and I am really impressed by the flavour combinations that Primrose has developed. I'd love to see more from this exciting brand in the future with more recipes and more ideas! It's a 10 from me.

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