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Monster Middle Triathlon

Monster Middle Triathlon - Sundried

Monster Middle Distance Triathlon Cambridgeshire Sundried

Date: Sunday 19th August 2018

Location: Jubilee Gardens, 18 Jubilee Terrace, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB7 4BJ

Event Type and Distance: Middle Distance Triathlon 1.9km Swim, 92.8km Bike, 21km Run

Amenities: Chip timing, novice-friendly, spectator-friendly course, prizes

Entry Price: £110

The award winning Monster Middle gives you an iconic river swim, fast and scenic bike leg and fast city run course! The Monster Middle Distance Triathlon is perfect for first-timers and seasoned athletes alike. The event has an amazing atmosphere and enjoys many repeat competitors, so they are clearly doing something right! There are generous prizes for all podium finishers from headline sponsor Zone3.

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