Fourth of July Workout
Sundried wish a happy Fourth of July to our American cousins! It's a day to celebrate and always features BBQs, fireworks, and spending time with family. Why not try our Fourth of July workout to get you pumped and ready for the day? Or even better, get your family involved!
Fourth of July Workout
This workout features 2 rounds.
The first round is suitable for all ages and abilities and requires no equipment. It can be done anywhere – at home, outdoors, at the beach, or at the gym – and you can get your family and friends involved to do this round with you. The first round is more cardio-based and will really test your fitness as well as working the full body.
The second round is more for experienced exercisers and you will need to have a good fitness base to complete it. You will also need a barbell and weights so it is best done at the gym (or in your home gym if you have one!) The second round is more weights-based and will work your muscular fitness.
Round 1
The first round is in Tabata-style and will last 4 minutes (see what we did there?)
Complete each exercise for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds rest.
Click or tap the name of the exercise for a detailed explanation with photos of how to perform the exercise.
All of these exercises use only body weight and no equipment so you can rally up your family to get involved with you and complete the workout outdoors wherever you may be celebrating the day.
Round 2
The second round sees you complete 4 sets of 4 reps of each of the following 4 exercises. As the rep range is fairly low, you will want to choose a weight that is fairly heavy. If you know your 1RM (one rep max), we recommend going for 70% of your 1RM.
This round is more for experienced gym-goers and people who know what they're doing when it comes to working out. You can let your grand parents sit this one out!
You will need a barbell and weights to complete this round.
1. Squat
2. Deadlift
3. Bent Over Row
4. Over Head Press