Lottie is a personal trainer who loves to incorporate CrossFit disciplines into her training. She tells Sundried about living life with coeliac disease and how she stays motivated.
Tell us about your journey to fitness? Where did it all start?
My journey to fitness began in the water from a very young age where I competed in national standard swimming competitions. My training was very important and took a lot of time and dedication. Before school started I would be woken up by my parents at 4am to be taken to swimming training which consisted of 2 hours training. I would then go to school, rush home, have a quick bite to eat and be back at swimming training for another 2 hours in the evening. This was Monday-Friday with one training session on a weekend if I did not have to compete at a competition Saturday or Sunday.
As I began to grow older and entered the world of work I knew I wanted to be involved In the fitness industry to share my passion for fitness with others. This is why I qualified as a Personal Trainer.
I was very into cheer leading and dancing at the time and competed in many cheer competitions throughout my early 20s.
I am now 25 years old and have been weight training for 5 years. I am very into strength and general fitness. CrossFit style training is a favourite of mine as it hits all areas.
What are your training goals now?
My training goals are to remain strong, fit, and healthy. I would like to complete a triathlon with my dad and aunt next year as my whole family is into fitness and it would be great to accomplish this as a family.
Tell us one unusual fact we wouldn’t know about you:
I can cross one eye and keep one straight!
What would future you, tell yourself when you were starting out?
Give everything a chance and have no regrets.
Do you follow a specific nutrition plan? If so, what/when do you eat?
Yes, I follow a nutrition plan due to my coeliac disease. I was diagnosed with coeliac 5 years ago which has played a huge part in my health and ensuring I get the correct nutrients daily.
I have an amazing dietitian who has helped me along my coeliac journey and gives me great tips for following a gluten-free diet.
My favourite food is gluten free oats and almond butter.
What do you do to keep your clients motivated? Do you have any top tips to keep motivated?
I set my clients mini challenges where prizes are involved. Motivation is very important and I think this is improved by goal-setting. If you set yourself a goal of squatting a certain amount of weight or a goal of being able to do a body weight pull up, once this is accomplished it motivates you to set a new ones.
How do you keep your fitness knowledge up to date?
I listen to podcasts, I test myself with different workout regimes to see how it changes my body shape, energy levels, strength and fitness.
What are your top 3 trainer tips?
1. Believe in yourself, anything is possible if you set your mind to it.
2. Push your body to try new things, you may find you're stronger in some areas than others. This is where you can set challenges and goals to improve and accomplish new things.
3. Trying is better than not trying at all. Have fun, you're doing this for you, make it your own!
If you could only do one workout for the rest of your life, what would it be?
EMOM - All Weighted
8 Squat clean thrusters
8 Chin ups
16 Lunges
8 Push ups with renegade row
16 Box jumps
16 KB swings
6 Rounds!
Why work with Sundried?
The clothing is unique and beautifully designed for men and women. I want to work with Sundried as I love the brand and its products. It's fresh, great quality and will keep me looking stylish in the gym!
Sundried is a company that doesn't just offer customers amazing fitness clothing. It offers customers charity connections and has the benefit of a low carbon footprint.