If you're short on time, try our 10 Minute Tabata Workout to get your heart pumping and your lungs working. One round of Tabata is just 4 minutes long, but work hard enough and you’ll carry on burning calories for up to 24 hours due to the ‘afterburn’ effect known as post-exercise oxygen consumption.
This workout consists of 2 minutes of skipping as a warm up followed by 2 rounds of Tabata.
Tabata 1
8 rounds, 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. Punch the air or a punching bag for 20 seconds straight and then rest for 10 seconds. Repeat this 8 times for a total of 4 minutes.
Tabata 2
Kick the bag for the first 4 rounds then switch to punching for the last 4 rounds.