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Caleño Drinks Non-Alcoholic Gin Review

Caleño Drinks Non-Alcoholic Gin Review Reviews Sundried Activewear

The non-alcoholic 'spirit' sector is growing rapidly, with new offerings of zero alcohol drinks intended to make 'not drinking' more fun and inclusive for those abstaining from alcohol for whatever reason. We were sent a bottle of Caleño to try and give our verdict.

Caleno Non Alcoholic Gin Review Sundried

Read our review of Stryyk 'Not Rum' Zero Proof Rum


Founder of Caleño Drinks, Ellie Webb, was disappointed with the lack of exciting and adventurous non-alcoholic drinks on offer when out dancing. Inspired by the colourful, energetic, and vibrant lifestyle of her Colombian homeland, Ellie set out to develop her own 'free-spirit' made with botanical and tropical flavours and the mission of bringing fun to 'not drinking'. 

At Sundried, we fully support anyone who chooses not to drink for whatever reason, especially as alcohol is detrimental to athletic performance! We think it's very encouraging that there is a new movement of trendy, exciting non-alcoholic drinks emerging and we love Ellie's idea to draw from her heritage and bring something so interesting and enticing to market. We couldn't wait to try a few mocktails!


Caleño is described as "a tropical infusion of juniper, citrus and spice botanicals, steam-distilled in stainless steel drums". Juniper is the flavour that gives gin it's distinct taste and this particular spirit is definitely enjoying a revival at the moment.

As soon as you open the bottle, you're met with the most delightful fruity sweet aroma and it makes you want to dive straight in. You can really taste the botanicals without them being too overpowering and the flavour is very light and delicate. Considering there is no alcohol in this product, it is still very enjoyable and definitely comparable to regular gin. 


Why not try some 'mocktails' using Caleño to entertain party guests without the hangover?

Caleño & Tonic – 50ml Caleño, 200ml tonic

Topi-ca-leño – 50ml Caleño, 10ml lime juice, top with pineapple juice

Passionfruit Party – 50ml Caleño, 20ml passion fruit syrup, 20ml lemon juice


Caleño explain on their website that the price of £24.99 for a bottle is because the team source botanicals from all over the world and founder Ellie spent a lot of time crafting this drink and perfecting the recipe. As there is such a long production process for this drink and it is so well thought out, the price tag seems more than reasonable. 


Caleño is a delicious drink that can be enjoyed by both alcohol-lovers and teetotallers alike. It's the perfect opportunity for the designated driver or people abstaining from alcohol for any reason to still enjoy a cocktail and drink with their friends and family. The taste is sublime and easily comparable to any other gin on the market.

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