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Ape Snacks Coconut Bites Product Review

Ape Snacks Coconut Bites Product Review - Sundried

Ape Snacks was founded in 2014 by Zack Nathan after his mum inspired him with her delicious homemade coconut snacks. Zack and his family have always followed a paleo-based diet which involves eating whole, unprocessed foods that cavemen would have eaten. After heading to university in America, Zack found himself frustrated with the lack of healthy food available, as most snacks are full of processed chemicals and added sugar. So he dropped out of university to develop his own brand and the rest is history!

Crunchy Coconut Bites - Chia Seed / Sesame Seed

I love the packaging on these snacks as it's so fresh and the colour scheme really works with the healthy ethos of the brand. The crunchy coconut bites have an interesting texture and come in perfect bite-sized pieces. They're very easy to eat and would make the perfect alternative to crisps when the craving strikes. The chia seed flavour is great, and chia seeds are a fantastic ingredient to include as they boast several health benefits. These bites are slightly sweet but also slightly salty which I really liked and the seeds add a brilliant extra crunch.

Crispy Coconut Curls - Pepper & Spice / Lightly Salted

The crispy coconut curls are delicious and so moreish! These definitely hit the spot if you are craving a salty snack so swapping out your crisps for these would be a great healthy food choice. The pepper and spice flavour has a hint of cinnamon which I assume comes from the original inspiration for Zack's snacks when his mum roasted coconut pieces with cinnamon and other spices. This flavour works really well and left me feeling satisfied. The lightly salted flavour is also great and I could've eaten them all day!

Ape Snacks Zack Nathan Sundried Coconut Curls Healthy


I'm a big fan of the story and ethos behind this brand and I love the hard work that Zack has put into developing this new company. Having a healthy alternative to salty snacks like crisps and popcorn is great and these really are delicious! Coconut itself has lots of health benefits and paired with super foods like chia seeds, Ape Snacks is on to a real winner here. There are a lot of sweet fruit-based health foods on the market so Zack has done well to tap into a niche that no one else seems to have yet explored. It's definitely a 10 from me!

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