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Garmin Move IQ

Garmin Move IQ

Garmin’s smart tech is getting more and more intelligent with every new smartwatch release.

The latest generation of Garmin watches, The Vivofit 3, Vivosmart HR and Vivoactive HR all now come loaded with Move IQ.

Move IQ continuously monitors for periods of sustained activity and automatically detects common exercises such as walking, running, biking, swimming and elliptical training. These are downloaded to the app where they can be viewed in further detail.

Time to Move - Garmin Move IQ

Dan Bartel, Garmin vice president of worldwide sales said: “Exciting new developments like Move IQ offer a full package to people wanting to take a step toward a healthier lifestyle."

The smart wellness insights provided by Garmin Move IQ provide cues to help users reach a personalised daily goal, set based around the previous day's activity, compared to other activity trackers which base this goal around recommended daily activity. This adjustment makes the goals unique and therefore more achievable for the user, encouraging and motivating them to do more.

When a move goal is reached the user gets a shoutout as a motivational reward for their activity. Insights also show users how they are doing in comparison to others like them for extra motivation to beat their friends.

As well as automatically recognising the activity the watch calculates active and intensity minutes. Active minutes are counted for all exercise sessions that provide at least 10 consecutive minutes of moderate to vigorous active motion.

All the metrics collected by Move IQ can be checked on the mobile app Garmin Connect, which is available on both iOS and Android. The Garmin Connect app also enables smart coaching tailored to your needs and feedback for all your activities.

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