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Entrepreneur Life – Interview With The Founders Of Whey Box

by Alexandra Parren 0 comments
News Entrepreneur Life – Interview With The Founders Of Whey Box Sundried Activewear

Whey Box founders interview entrepreneurs success business

Sundried is an independent UK business that was founded by entrepreneur Daniel Puddick. We encourage the growth of small businesses and want to empower consumers to choose ethical companies rather than defaulting to multi-national corporations and faceless conglomerates.

We chat with the founders of Whey Box, a brand we've loved working with over the past few years, about their lives as entrepreneurs and to get an insight into the running of this exciting company.

In a nutshell, what is the story of Whey Box? What motivated you to develop the idea?

Whey Box was born out of a desire to make protein more convenient, more accessible and more engaging. Hence the single-serving format and soft branding!

Me and the guys have all used protein powder since our early teens and we grew up with the masculine, aggressive brands that can be quite intimidating, especially for women.

What was the biggest challenge you faced when setting up this business?

There were so many but for us, it was mainly around getting the product fully produced. There was an issue with the packaging on our first run of sachets and we basically had to start again which cost a fortune and delayed everything by a number of months.

Wheybox entrepreneurs British brand Sundried

How do you manage a healthy work-life balance?

I don't think we're great at it as when you run a business you're always 'switched on' to things. Whether that be calls, emails or just thinking about everything. But exercising and going out for a few gins certainly helps!

What's been the most exciting part of developing Whey Box?

There are four founders, myself and three other guys (they're brothers) so one of the most exciting things has been working with my best friends. That's closely followed by the excitement of a retail launch and seeing your product on shelves all around the country.

What does the future hold for Whey Box?

Growing our brand awareness and becoming known as 'the most convenient whey'!

Wheybox founders interview protein brand UK Sundried

What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs?

Try and be patient, accept that it's going to feel like an uphill struggle, definitely make sure you're cut out for it as it can be stressful, and enjoy the process.

Quickfire Questions

Coffee or tea? Coffee

Summer or winter? Summer

Gym or outdoors? Gym

Weights or cardio? Weights

Whey or no whey? Whey all the whey!

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