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Southend Half Marathon

Race and Events Southend Half Marathon Sundried Activewear

Southend Half Marathon

Date: 9th June 2019

Location: East Beach, Shoeburyness, Essex, SS3 9AD

Event Type and Distance: Half Marathon (13.1 miles) run

Amenities: Chip timing, medals for all competitors, sponsorship, free bag drop, paid parking, changing facilities, refreshments, sports massage, closed roads

Entry Price: From £20

Southend Half Marathon is a two lap, traffic-free course along the Southend coastline. The annual event is set to bring in around 5,000 participants and is always a popular local spectacle. It is always set to be a warm event, with beautiful views across the Thames Estuary for runners as they race along the fast, flat course. There are always thousands of spectators creating an electric atmosphere.

The run begins at East Beach in Shoeburyness, Essex and loops up the closed seafront road twice and back to the starting point. The event is organised by Havens Hospices with some of the entry fee going to their charity.

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