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Rochford 10k

Rochford 10k

Rochford 10k Essex Race

Date: Sunday 12th May 2019

Location: Ashingdon Primary Academy, Ashingdon Road, Rochford, Essex

Event Type and Distance: 10k run

Amenities: Toilets, Chip timing, Post-race massage

Entry Price: £14

The Rochford 10k is a scenic and pleasant 10k run around the sleepy town of Rochford in Essex. Taking place on a mix of roads, farm tracks, and grassland, this race is fairly unique. It is a fairly small event, run by Rochford Running Club and the first event took place in 2015. The 2017 event introduced chip timing for the first time. Dependant on the weather, this event can be fairly tricky with the off-road course, but it is always an enjoyable event. 

For more information on this event and to enter, please visit

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