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Poppy Lee Personal Trainer

personal trainer southend

Poppy is a personal trainer who works hard to see results for herself and her clients. She talks to Sundried about life in the fitness industry.

Please tell us about sporting events you have taken part in or have coming up.

I have done Tough Mudder which I loved. At the moment I'm prepping for a fitness photoshoot which is happening in December. I’ve never done one before, so I’m excited to see how far I can push my body and challenge myself by staying disciplined with my weight training and nutrition.

Tell us about your journey to fitness? Where did it all start?

I’ve always loved sports and being active and it definitely has been a huge part of my life. I’ve always been quite competitive, at school I used to compete in netball, athletics and cross country. I have loved horse riding all my life and also used to compete in swimming. In the last 5 or so years I have been more focused towards weight lifting and I also love boxing, circuits, barre and Pilates.

What are your training goals now?

I am focusing on my weight training programme which is an upper/lower split. I’m currently working towards keeping my strength consistent while being disciplined with my nutrition for my fitness shoot in December.

Tell us one unusual fact we wouldn’t know about you:

I am currently training to be a Pilates instructor.

What advice do you wish you'd been given when you first started out?

Get a knowledgable coach/PT if you have set yourself goals and you’re not sure how to get there. Ask for help/advice and as many questions as possible, be patient and work hard at whatever it is you want. Consistency is key and you will get that. Giving up is not an option!

Do you follow a specific nutrition plan? If so, what/when do you eat?

I am following a certain macro split which my coach has given me, I don’t follow a set nutrition plan though. I eat a range of wholesome, nutritious foods daily which help my performance in the gym and leave me feeling energised and satisfied which helps me to achieve my current goals. Obviously enjoying the foods I love in moderation too.

What do you do to keep your clients motivated? Do you have any top tips to keep motivated?

I’m very honest with my clients and tell them no one is motivated all of the time, however it’s about building habits and staying disciplined to get to your goals. If you have a plan set out and tick the boxes day by day, you will see progress in whatever area you’re working towards and this is what leads to sustainable results.

Once clients start to see a little progress, this motivates them to push on. It’s about pushing through on the days we don’t always feel like it. Also, track your progress! Whether that be strength, amount of reps, progress photos, measurements, how a person feels or scale weight. I also practice what I preach which helps clients too. My top tip would be to set goals so you have something to work towards, no matter how big or small!

Talk us through your training regime.

At the moment, I weight train 4-5 times a week. My coach has just added in 2 extra cardio sessions and I also love to get outdoors and walk.

How do you keep your fitness knowledge up to date?

I read and I follow some really talented and knowledgable people on Instagram so I like to learn through them. I also listen to a lot of podcasts and I’ve also attended some online seminars. Even though I am a PT, I have my own coach. I think it’s important to continually learn from someone with more knowledge and experience than you so you’re always pushing forwards! It good to hear other people’s opinions on different topics like, nutrition and ways of training.

What are your top 3 trainer tips?

  1. Trust the process
  2. Be patient
  3. A tiny bit of progress is still progress, keep going!

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

This is a hard question as I love food. I have a sweet tooth, so something like pancakes or waffles with ice cream, Nutella and banana. I also love anything with truffle on, so a good truffle pasta has to be up there too.

Why work with Sundried?

I love that the brand is big on quality products that last, I think this is really important both for the planet and especially when it comes to buying training gear. I think the products also look really smart and professional on and they are also very comfortable. I love the sports bras and the jackets.

Favourite fitness quote:

I follow Marchon Gym on Instagram and the owner Ollie Marchon always says “train everything, ready for anything.” I think this is a really inspiring quote to go by as you can train in a variety of ways to improve all areas of fitness.

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