Is Stress Making You Fat? | How To Stop Stress Eating
We look at how stress and nutrition are related, how stress can lead to over (or under) eating, the serious health...
Is Coffee Good For You? The Effects of Caffeine On Your Health
Gym goers and fitness fanatics around the world swear by coffee and its caffeine properties to enhance their performance and accelerate...
What I Eat In A Day – Felicity Caddick Triathlete
I'm one of those people who prefers healthy food to junk. I will buy an apple as a treat to eat...
4 Healthy Swaps For Junk Food (And How To Curb Those Cravings!)
A staggering 1 in 6 children eat fast food twice a day in Britain while 57% of Americans admit to eating...
Why A High Fat Diet Might Not Be Right For You
It's hard to avoid the newest trend in town: fat is in, carbs are out. But is a high fat/low carb...
Weight Gain Supplements
Gaining muscle is a lot harder than it is made to seem, especially for women. It is a long and...
Why Aren’t I Losing Weight?
There are so many reasons why someone might want to lose weight. For aesthetics, to feel better about themselves, to reduce...