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Hanningfield Triathlon

Date: 18th of May 2019

Location: Hanningfield Reservoir, Billericay, Essex, CM11 1WT

Event Type and distance: 

Sprint Triathlon: 750m swim - 24km bike - 5km run

Standard (Olympic) Triathlon: 1500m swim - 36km bike - 10km run

Amenities: Aid stations, catering, chip timing, distance markers, numbered racking, results on website, secure transition, toilets

Entry Price: Sprint £40, Standard £60, Relay Team £25 each

The Hanningfield Triathlon is organised by Essex & Suffolk Water and is in support of WaterAid, a charity which Sundried also supports. Sponsorship is encouraged for this race as it aims to raise money for WaterAid which does fantastic work for underprivileged children in developing countries. 

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